Saturday 2 June 2012


Java software allows you to run applications called "applets" that are written in the Java programming language. These applets allow you to have a much richer experience online than simply interacting with static HTML pages.

Java Plug-in technology, included as part of the Java 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (JRE), establishes a connection between popular browsers and the Java platform. Java allows applications to be downloaded over a network and run within a guarded sandbox. Security restrictions are easily imposed on the sandbox.

Title:Java Runtime Environment (32-bit)
File size:20.08MB (21,052,880 bytes)
Requirements:Windows XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7

Friday 30 March 2012

Team Viewer For Mobile

1.    Support your clients and colleagues spontaneously.
2.    Access your office desktop with all of its documents and installed applications.
3.    Remotely administer unattended computers (e.g. servers).
      4.  Free for non-commercial use: support family and friends or have remote access to your  own computer.
Application for Android
Application  for  iPhone 
Application  for iPad 

Wednesday 7 March 2012

How to Use Google Documents

INTRODUCTION : Google documents allows users to save, share, and edit documents online.The advantage for educators is the ability for groups of students to collaborate on a paper, to safely save important documents online, and to have universal access to your stuff.

HOW YO USE :     1) Enter the following url in a web browser:
                            2) Note the login page
                            3) If you have a google account, login
                           4) If you do not have a google account simply click on Create a new Google Account. The process is pretty simple!
                            5) Once you have logged in, note the Google docs.

CREATING A NEW DOCUMENT : 1) Click on the New Document Link (shown below)

 2) That's it! After this for saving the document follow option 3.
 3) Click on the File button and choose Save. Note you can also use Control + S 

 4) You can also share these things in facebook etc.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Dressing Sense For Girls at College Interview

firstly you focus to wear the college dress.If you are not comfortable in college dress then you focuses on another dress. I also know that picking out college interview outfits is not on the top of your list of concerns. Still, I know many students who let this slide, and then ended up freaking out the night before the interview. In the hope that this does not happen to you, I have put together a head-to-toe guide of how to present yourself in your interview.
1-Neck and Above: Girls, if you wear makeup, make sure that it is natural and minimal. Avoid heavy eye makeup and excessive bronzer.

Do not wear too much jewelry. No jewelry is necessary, but girls may wear a pair of stud earrings, such as pearls, and a simple necklace and watch. For boys, a watch is all you need. If you have any piercings besides in the ears, take out the earrings before the interview.

2-Clothes: These are basic guidelines, which in some cases you can modify slightly. In general, you can be somewhat more casual in alumni or student interviews than you can be during interviews with admissions officers. Also, if you are interviewing for an alternative liberal arts college like Hampshire, you can be a little more lax than you would be for more traditional schools. For interviews with undergraduate business schools like Wharton, you should veer towards the more formal side. However, the following guidelines work for any interview, whether with a student, alumni, or admissions officer, at a hippy-dippy liberal arts school or a more stuffy business program.

3-Feet:For girls, wear black or neutral colored, clean shoes. Loafers or small heels work well. Avoid shoes that make it hard to walk. You do not want to be remembered as the girl who stumbled and tripped!

For boys, dress shoes or loafers are perfect.

Now that dressing for your interviews is a no-brainer, it is time to start working on what you are going to say! Stay tuned for more on that next week.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Dressing Sense For Man At Collage Interview.

The college interview has no set rules about what a man should wear. In general, college interview are less formal than a job interview, so a suit and tie are not required.

1. A Suit Usually Isn't Necessary:
If you're applying for a job, you should definitely get out the suit and tie. For a college interview, a suit is often overkill. White collar professionals often wear suits and ties, so the dress is appropriate for the interview. College students almost never wear a suit, and the admissions counselors who interview you won't expect you to wear one. A suit and tie can even be detrimental if you're not comfortable wearing them and you don't feel like yourself.

That said, in a few cases a suit might be appropriate. If you are applying to a business school, you'd do well to look business-like. Also, if you're applying to a very conservative college you might want to err on the side of over-dressing.


2. The Shirt:

A nice shirt is key to proper interview attire. Think in terms of buttons and a collar. In the summer, a nice polo shirt or short-sleeve button-down dress shirt is fine. Avoid distracting patterns and colors. 

3. The Tie:

A tie never hurts, but it isn't always necessary. On the one hand, a tie shows respect for the college and the interviewer. On the flip side, college admissions officers know that most 18-year-olds never wear ties. The tie would be a good idea if you're applying to a business program or if you're meeting with an alumni interviewer near your home. For an on-campus interview, a nice shirt and pair of pants will usually suffice. If you do wear a tie, make sure the pattern fits the personality of the school.

4. The Pants:

Here, as with the other parts of the interview outfit, the context will partly dictate what you wear.

5. Shorts? Only in Rare Circumstances:If your interview is combined with a campus tour and it's 100 degrees outside, a pair of shorts might be appropriate. In fact, the college will question your common sense if you're sitting there sweating profusely in a wool suit. Shorts should be neat and hemmed. Save those ratty cut-offs and athletic shorts for another day.
6. The Belt:Whatever pants or shorts you wear, don't forget the belt. It dresses up an outfit and keeps your pants in place. The interviewer doesn't want to see your boxer shorts.


7. The Shoes: Black or brown leather is your best bet. You don't need shiny patent leather shoes, but you should avoid ratty sneakers and flip flops. In hot summer weather, a pair of nice leather sandals can be okay if the school has a fairly casual atmosphere.
8. Hair: Plenty of men have been accepted to colleges with blue hair, long hair or a shaved head. The interviewer wants to get to know you, so if you typically have a purple and green mullet, you shouldn't feel you need to change your hair style for the interview. At the same time, the campus culture should inform your decision.

9. Piercings: No interviewer is going to be shocked by the metal stud through your tongue, nose, lip or eyebrow piercings are common sights on college campuses.

10. Tattoos: As with piercings, tattoos are a common sight on college campuses and they aren't going to shock most college admissions officers.