Wednesday 7 March 2012

How to Use Google Documents

INTRODUCTION : Google documents allows users to save, share, and edit documents online.The advantage for educators is the ability for groups of students to collaborate on a paper, to safely save important documents online, and to have universal access to your stuff.

HOW YO USE :     1) Enter the following url in a web browser:
                            2) Note the login page
                            3) If you have a google account, login
                           4) If you do not have a google account simply click on Create a new Google Account. The process is pretty simple!
                            5) Once you have logged in, note the Google docs.

CREATING A NEW DOCUMENT : 1) Click on the New Document Link (shown below)

 2) That's it! After this for saving the document follow option 3.
 3) Click on the File button and choose Save. Note you can also use Control + S 

 4) You can also share these things in facebook etc.

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